
2017-07-11 11:00:00


Hedén Summer 2017
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Summer is here!

Hedén will be closed for vacations July 17-28

Hedén will close for vacations so make sure to order Carat and motors before we close.

Have a nice Summer!
Hedén at IBC 2017
Hedén will be exhibiting at the IBC 2017 in Amsterdam in September.

We were overwhelmed by the amazing response we received on the Cine Gear Expo and now we will exhibit at the IBC show.

We will have some very interesting news at the conference so be sure to plan a visit to our booth!

Heden at IBC
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2017-06-13 11:00:00


Thank you for the great reception!
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Thank you for a great Cine Gear Expo!

Thank you for the great reception at Cine Gear Expo!
Since the new team started at Hedén we have looked for an opportunity to show our products to a wider audience.
At Cine Gear Expo we had the chance to show our products in public for the first time and what a reception we got!

We are overwhelmed by the amazing response we received from all those who visited us, our partners and those who stopped us in the crowd to tell us how much they like their Hedén products.

For some of the visitors it was the first time they got to test the Carat and it was very well received for it's ease of use and the lag-free response.

The feedback on our motors was exceptional and we are very happy to build on the legacy of making great lens control motors.

You can be sure to see us at next Cine Gear Expo and other exhibitions in the future!
Hedén will be closed for vacations July 17-28

July 17-28 Hedén will close for vacations, during this time the office will be closed and we will not be able to ship any orders. 
Make sure to plan ahead and order Carat and motors right now!
HEDÉN has been in business since 1964. A new team and owner, Seafire AB, took over the company in 2016.

In the beginning of June, The new team at Hedén exhibited at Cine Gear Expo for the first time.
Our Carat and motors was also visible in a number of other booths.

Long Rod Mount

Long motor mounting bracket for use with Hedén M21 and M26VE motors.

More info on our Website:
Long Rod Mount

XX-wide gear

Extra wide gear with 0.8 module for Hedén M21 motors.

More info on our Website:


XX-wide gear

Extra wide gear with 0.8 module for Hedén M26VE motors.

More info on our Website:
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our address is:
Heden Group AB, Vita Gavelns Väg 6
426 71 Västra Frölunda, SWEDEN
+46 31 27 21 10


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2017-05-22 11:00:00


Visit Hedén at Cine Gear Expo
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Visit us at Cine Gear Expo

Meet the Team, see the Products!

Since the new team started at Hedén we have wanted to be able to show our great products to a wider audience, now that time has come.
At Cine Gear Expo, June 2-3, Hedén will have our own booth and we will also be visible with our distributors.

Come and visit us to meet the team and see our products.
We will be in the New York Street Exhibits, Booth 77

We are looking forward to meet you!
User manual and CAD-files on the Website

The new Hedén website has now been up for a while but the development has not stopped.
Now you can find a brand new Carat user manual as well as drawings and CAD files of our motors.
See the Downloads section, LINK

If you have not already visited our website, visit now!
HEDÉN has been in business since 1964. A new team and owner, Seafire AB, took over the company in 2016.

We are now wery happy to announce that for the first time evey Hedén will exhibit at the Cine Gear Expo.

Please come and visit us and our partners to see our motors and our Carat follow focus system.

You will find us in the New York Street Exhibits, Booth 77
M21VE-L and M26VE Digital Lens Motors.

In stock!
Hedén Carat, Wireless Follow Focus. Lag-free perfomance with superior feeling.

In stock!
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our address is:
Heden Group AB, Vita Gavelns Väg 6
426 71 Västra Frölunda, SWEDEN
+46 31 27 21 10


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2017-05-12 15:00:00

CAD models and drawings available

We have now made drawings and CAD-models of our motors available on our website.

In our Downloads section HERE you can find drawings of M21VE-L, M26VE and M26T


2017-04-24 11:00:00


New Hedén website
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New Website, New Insurance Program

Our new website is now ready, have a look at:
Hedén Motor Replace Insurance - HMRI

Hedén is offering an insurance, Hedén Motor Replacement Insurance HMRI, covering a replacement motor and service costs in case of failure.
Don´t risk to be without a motor in case it's damaged or breaks. With HMRI we will send you a replacement motor ASAP for a fixed copayment fee. 
The HMRI is available for M26VE, M21VE-L and M26T motors.

Read all about the HMRI here: HMRI
Hedén Carat Replace Insurance - HCRI

Hedén is offering an insurance, Hedén Carat Replacement Insurance HCRI, covering a replacement Carat and service costs in case of failure.
Don´t risk to be without a your lens control system in case it's damaged or breaks. With HCRI we will send you a replacement Carat unit ASAP for a fixed copayment fee. 
The HCRI is available for Carat system with M26VE and M21VE-L

Read all about the HCRI here: HCRI
HEDÉN has been in business since 1964. A new team and owner, Seafire AB, took over the company in 2016.

We are now wery happy to announce that we have a brand new website.

At you can find information about our products, accessories as well as our support and service offers.
We are also very proud to announde our new Replace and Repair Insurance Program.
M21VE-L and M26VE Digital Lens Motors.

In stock!
Hedén Carat, Wireless Follow Focus. Lag-free perfomance with superior feeling.

In stock!
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our address is:
Heden Group AB, Vita Gavelns Väg 6
426 71 Västra Frölunda, SWEDEN
+46 31 27 21 10


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